Lately, I have been brainstorming a list of what I would like for the holidays. Wow, there are so many things out there, what to choose? My newest print obsession is fair isle, which is totally Christmas themed so it's perfect! I saw these adorable socks, vest, and sweaters while I was window Internet-window shopping about a week ago:
The sweaters and vest are from here. The socks are from here and here.
I love the reindeer fair isle socks from Topshop! Their just the cutest. (: I'm usually not a vest-wearer, but I could definitely incorporate that into my wardrobe, and I've been taking fashion risks and expressing my true sense of fashion a lot more lately.
I also would like to try my hand at apparel making. I like to sew, but I have only made a skirt so far. So, for Christmas I'm asking for an adjustable Maidenform. It's a model you can pin into and adjust its size. It might be a total fail, but I think it would be so amazing for someone to ask you, "Where did you get that," and be able to say, "I made it!" These little fantasies of mine....
I will probably make a part two to this, but for now I gotta go! Hope you enjoyed!!
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